Fan Heater
As a small household appliance for heating, the heater is characterized by rapid heating, non-drying, small size and good local heating effect. In view of the functional characteristics of electric heater products on the market, Hitenx has introduced intelligent heater solutions with simple, safe and reliable peripheral circuits. The scheme consists of AC-DC power chip and MCU main control, MCU built-in touch module, LED/LCD display driver module, multi-channel PWM output, ADC with reference voltage source and EEPROM memory module...
Scheme Topology

Selection Table
- Product Name(W) Function Description Application
- TM52FN8276 The TM52 series FN8276 is a new, fast 8051 architecture MCU with built-in modules such as 16K Flash, 1024 Sram, 128 EEPRom, LED/LCD, TK * 19, ADC * 16, UART, SPI, IIC, etc Small appliance, Induction cooking, Fan heater, ice maker, electric fan
Scheme Information